Our service
Sales Livestream
Introduction:Live selling is the newest and most popular retailing method in China. It allows the target audiences to understand a brand meanwhile consumers can make purchases online. It helps a brand to expand the reach of its audience precisely and generate a huge Return on Investment (ROI) in the shortest time. U Beauty Life's professional team conducts the livestream by using the theatre's standard equipment. And the hosts promote products in real-time and allow viewers to purchase them in just one click.
Why is Livestream a must-have brand marketing strategy?
The sales Livestream trend in retail and e-commerce industries has transformed the buying process and habits of Chinese consumers. Livestream transcends text and images and gains constant attention from viewers for longer periods of time. More importantly, it supports simultaneous online interaction between hosts and viewers. According to statistics, the number of people watching e-commerce sales on Livestream in the Chinese market in the first half of 2020 was 562 million, 129 million more than in the first half of 2019, the overall market size of e-commerce in 2020 reached 961 billion yuan, a significant increase of 121.5% year-on-year. Tailoring to Chinese customers’ purchasing interests, Livestream can significantly boost brand performance in the Chinese market.

U Beauty Life streams simultaneously on three well-known global and Chinese digital marketing platforms: YouTube, WeChat, and Youzan platform. Interactive live Q&A helps solve the questions customers might have about your product and services to encourage instant purchases.

Sales Livestream
U beauty life’s service features sales Livestream, where the Livestreamer would introduce the products, and consumers can click on the link provided to jump to your e-commerce page or contact real-time customer service to make an immediate purchase if they are interested in the product. The impact of this change on a company's marketing and sales efforts is revolutionary.

Our strength
The key determination of a Livestream includes:
Firstly, the scale of viewing amount in the Livestream. As a pioneer in the online Livestream business in North America, U beauty life has accumulated a large, stable and loyal viewer base.

Secondly, the professionalism of the Livestreamer and the effectiveness of the live demonstration.
Our committed Livestreamer will acquire adequate knowledge about your company and the products in advance, to ensure the best Livestream performance. We will also invite experts from your company to participate in the Livestream together, bringing consumers insights about your brand's culture, values, and operations and enhancing your brand's reputation.

Lastly, the nature of the product and the strength of the promotion. The Livestream room needs to have discount offers to promote consumption. U Beauty Life will assist clients to design reasonable and profitable Livestream promotion prices to maximize ROI. Besides, with a wide customer reach, U beauty life will warm up the Livestream using its own official account through various online channels including Little Red Book, WeChat public account, WeChat groups, etc.
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